Tuesday, May 15, 2012

PC Preventive Maintenance

 PC preventive maintenance refers to carrying out measures to prevent problems from occurring, in contrast to corrective maintenance, which seeks to solve an already existing problem. In the long run, preventive maintenance saves time and money, protects your data, improves computer performance, and prolongs computer life. These are accomplished by considering and planning for the risks involved in working with computers (e.g. data loss, hardware failures).

The other meaning of Preventive maintenance is an equipment maintenance strategy based on replacing, overhauling or re-manufacturing an item at a fixed interval, regardless of its condition at the time. Scheduled Restoration tasks and Scheduled Discard tasks are both examples of preventive maintenance tasks. Preventive maintenance has to be distinguished from corrective maintenance or condition based maintenance.

Perform Windows Computer Preventive Maintenance.

Fixing your own computer is less necessary if you perform computer maintenance. These tips for maintaining your PC can help you prevent computer problems before they happen and can keep your computer running smoothly and efficiently.

Be aware of hygiene and updates 
  • keep your computer cool and dry. Avoid direct sunlight on all computer components. Don't block fan and ventilation openings. Be careful with food and drink around the machine; a spill can ruin a machine in seconds.
  • Keep your computer clean. Wipe the monitor, keyboard, and computer case periodically with soft sloth. keep handy a soft, clean paintbrush or a can of compressed air to clean out the keyboard and ventilation ports on the computer case and monitor. You can also gently vacuum the parts.
  • Keep your software up to date. Microsoft regularly updates Windows. Other software manufacturers keep their applications current with updates, too. Check manufacturer Web sites.
Be aware of sights and sounds
  •  Cooling fan. the computer's coding cooling fan should make only a soft whir, but some machines automatically speed up the fan when temperatures start to rise. Is the computer in direct sunlight? Have you inadvertently restricted airflow in and out of the box? Is the power supply overheating?
  • Hard Drive. A louder-than-usual hard drive may mean an impending failure; listen for clicks or erratic speedups and slowdowns. Back up your data and run diagnostic programs provided by the hard drive manufacturer or your computer maker.
  • Lag time. Notice how long it takes to launch a program or retrieve data. if things start taking unusually long, you may be seeing a hard drive about to fail, or it just may be cluttered. Run diagnostics and use a de-fragmentation utility. Also, keep an eye out for error messages or alerts


  1. There are some simple steps we must follow if we want to work on clean computers and these are: installing some good maintenance software like antivirus, register cleaner, defragmenter, firewall and so on. After, if we don't know a thing and not to damage something, we should ask specialized help from companies like IT tech support, where the specialists can teach us what we must do to work in good conditions.

  2. it is very different blog.thank u for sharing.i hope all are reading this blog.i told my friends also.

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  3. Hi! nice post. Thank you for sharing. Cheers!

    - The Condition Based Maintenance

  4. Using a computer in a long time period will usually cause heating. Excessive heating will result damage to the hardware components. The recommended way is do not turn on the computer over and over again, just once, but its used for long time. preventive maintenance software
