Friday, May 18, 2012

Our experience during class activities

As you know my name is Mohammad Hafiz Bin Abdul Samad or my short name is Moh or Fiz. So here I will express my experience or findings during my class activities.Well this is my second time doing a practical on a hardware component. Which we were asked to disassemble a PC during our class. Actually I've done this before many times with my brother at home but some of the components we never touch before especially removing the microprocessor from the motherboard. So from this practical  I've learned on how to remove the microprocessor. The best thing during our class activities are that there are special tools that we can use to open the computer where by this it made a lot easier to open the computer.

The interesting part during the class activities are the teamwork that we have done together and we learn together and exchange knowledge with our teammates. Example, we learn together about the slave and master for the hard disk. Lastly, it was a good class activities to gain knowledge and to gain some experience and it was AWESOME~


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